Christian Liberal Arts Degree About the Degree: The Bachelor of Christian Arts (BCA) is a challenging, relevant undergraduate degree for motivated learners who want to serve the Body of Christ. The Bachelor of Christian
Arts provides a broad overview of the liberal arts areas, and a subject concentration in a single area of Christian vocation. In every Bachelor of Christian Arts course, learners will encounter Biblical applications
within the course content. Based on the Great Ideas
curriculum structure, the BCA features a foundation in general education, the humanities, and math and science, along with a degree concentration.Every course in the BCA program integrates a scriptural perspective
based on the truth of the Bible. Learners can expect to encounter God's Word or a Christian worldview in every course. |
Course Title |
Credits |
A. English Composition ENG 1001, English Composition I ENG 1002, English Composition II |
3 3 |
B. Humanities HUM 1113 Expression and the Human Experience HUM 4516 Studies in Modern Art PHIL 2116 Introduction to Philosophical Thought
PHIL 3224 Critical Issues in Philosophy |
3 3 3 3 |
C. Social Sciences PSY 1101 Introduction to Personal Wellness ECON 1301 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 1302 Principles of Macroeconomics ENV 3601 Environmental Science
3 3 3 3 |
D. Natural Sciences and Mathematics
MATH 1120 Fundamentals of College Math MATH 2261 Principles of Statistics I PHSC 1001 Introduction to Physical Science
BIOL 2105 Perspectives in Biology |
3 3 3 3 |
E. Liberal Arts Courses PHIL 3499 Philosophical Foundations of Ethics PHIL 4145 Philosophy of Logic HIST 3255 Comparative World Religions
HIST 4052 America: A World Revolution ENG 3070 World Literature: The Great Traditions FILM 4410 Film As Art |
3 3 3 3 3 3 |
II. Major Concentration Studies
Christian Doctrine Christian Education
Digital Media Ministry Enterprise and Ethics Global Relief Ministry Ministry Leadership Postmodern Theology Youth Pastor |
33 |
III. Basis Requirements *May include 18 Credits within a track
area to constitute a Minor Concentration in that track. May be substituted for transfer as necessary.
HIST 3105 Survey of European History PSC 4410 International Political Economy PSC 4203: The American Political System MUS 1121 Music as Art CSC 1159 Introduction to Computer Applications
CSC 2399 Computer Logic CSC 3223 World Wide Web Development ENG 2002 Technical and Professional Writing ECON 4412 Theory of Money |
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 |
Total Credit Hours for the Bachelor of Christian Arts Degree |
120 |