The Postmodern
Theology program is a sequence of 11 courses (33 credit hours) providing a degree major in Postmodern Theology. The major can be applied to either the Bachelor of Christian Arts (BCA) or the Bachelor of Biblical Studies
(BBS) degree program.About The Degree
A degree in "theology" (from the Greek "theo" referring to God and "logi" referring to science or study) is a degree devoted to the study of God.
The Postmodern
Theology program is a theology degree for non-theologians. It is a degree for students who wish to make a direct connection to God, and to help others to do the same.
Most Christian theologies are "linear," in that they are organized around "lines:"
Lines of practice about issues like baptism, worship, or liturgy;
Lines of thinking
about the esoterica of sanctification, predestination, millennialism or some other issue that the bible leaves open for debate;
Lines of judgment
that are often couched as "standards," even though they are of human origin.
Most Christian theologies assume that there are "lines" to cross in order to reach God; lines of rules, regulations, interpretations, and opinions that separate human beings from their creator God. Only by
following the correct "line" can a person know God.
Postmodern Theology assumes no "line" between human beings and God, but rather a direct connection, easily accessible by any person who wishes to seek God.
Postmodern Theology program is not about church, rules, doctrines or dogma. It is about understanding God's nature and character revealed in the ancient scriptures, the natural environment, and the concepts that govern
the universe.
The Postmodern Theology program challenges traditional assumptions about theology, yet retains a reverence and respect for the God of the universe. No human position is to be considered "sacred," yet no
universal law or principle is ever to be defiled.
The Postmodern Theology program is "structured" in the sense that it is divided into courses, each of which is assigned credit value. However, it is profoundly
"nonlinear" in that it is designed to focus attention only on God, His creative genius, and His incredible loving message to human beings.
Postmodern Theology avoids debate about interpretations and divisive issues.
It seeks not to stake out positions or provide rationale for disharmony. It is rooted in love, deep reflection, rigorous examination, and humble consideration of God and our relationship with Him.
Its only purpose is to understand God.
In the end, nothing else matters.
Who Should Join
Students who seek to deeply explore the nature and character of God will enjoy the Postmodern Theology program.
Those who appreciate that intellectual challenge and honest scrutiny strengthen the foundations of faith will be especially enriched.
Prepares Students To Serve
The Postmodern Theology program prepares
students to serve in areas of scholarship and ministry, especially in nontraditional ministry and emerging church settings.
Program Structure
The Postmodern Theology program consists of 11 courses (33 credit
hours) taken in the course of the BCA or BBS degree programs.