The Global Relief Ministry program is a sequence of 11 courses
(33 credit hours) that result in a degree major in Global Relief Ministry. The major can be applied to either the Bachelor of Christian Arts (BCA) or the Bachelor of Biblical Studies (BBS) program.About the Program
The Global Relief Ministry program prepares students to serve on the global mission field in relief missions. Relief missions are organizations that serve by providing goods, services, technology, or knowledge
directly to those in great need, worldwide.
Students in the Global Relief Ministry program are exposed to a variety of organizations and practices in diverse areas of global relief. The program concentration is on
the practical aspects of service. Its focus is to help students identify areas of relief ministry that match their gifts and talents, and to prepare them to serve in those areas.
Who Should Join
Students who
know that they are called to serve in global ministries that are devoted to providing real, tangible assistance will benefit from the Global Relief Ministry program. Students whose interests lie in non-profit
administration or entrepreneurial ministry may also benefit from the courses.
Prepares Students To Serve
The Global Relief Ministry program prepares students to identify their preferred area of relief
ministry and to serve in volunteer, staff, and administrative positions in those areas.
Program Structure
The Global Relief Ministry program is comprised of 10 subject-area courses and 2 internship
experiences. Each course is 3 undergraduate credits. The subject matter courses cover the breadth of relief ministry opportunities. The internship experiences require voluntary affiliation with a relief ministry and may
be served either in the student's home country or abroad.
Unique Components
Each subject area course may be repeated up to 3 times, so that students have the opportunity to reach a deeper knowledge about a
particular area of relief ministry. Repeating a subject area course requires the permission of a faculty member. Repeating courses neither increases nor reduces the total number of credit hours required to complete the
Global Relief Ministry major concentration. Course repetitions substitute for other courses in the student's program.